
* 1 thick piece of fried bean curd
* 2 fried fish cakes(satsuma-age)
* 2 white fish cakes(hanpen)
* 2 chikuwa (fish paste roll)
* 1 konnnyaku
* 4 sardine dumplings(tsumire)
* 4 boiled eggs
* 1/4 Japanese radish
* 20cm kombu kelp
* ***2 tbsp mirin
* 1 tbsp each of soysauce and salt

(1)Wipe kombu and immerse in lukewarm water.
(2)Cut fried bean curd into four pieces.
Halve sastuma-age, hanpen, and chikuwa and pour hot water over all of them.
(3)Cut radish in rounds 2cm thick.
Quarter konnyaku and boil.
(4)Add *** and ingredients in (2), (3),sardine dumplings, and boiled eggs to kelp stock.


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